Saturday 8 November 2008

His Arrived!!

6th November 2008
The Good LORD has blessed us with a new addition to our family!!! Little D'shaun (God is Gracious), Zuriel (The LORD is my Rock) Ansah was born on Monday 6th October 2008( he's one month 2day), wieghing in at 7lbs 8. He is a cute little felow and we pray that he will grow up in the fear of the LORD and love His ways for ever....Thank You Jesus!!!!

Thursday 6 November 2008

Family trip to Musem

It's a great responsability but such a blessing being a father of four..... I have really loved spending more time with my little lambs since being on paternity leave for the past month since D'shaun was born.... God is so good ..... I love my wife and my children sooooo much